Reset Password

Creating an account in the mobile app is simple! Just follow these easy instructions along with the images below:

  1. Open the Bible Gateway app from your mobile device and tap on the menu icon in the top left hand corner of the screen. (Or select the log in feature on the home screen [see the green marker])
  2. Select Settings from the list of options (it's the at the bottom of the menu)
  3. Once in Settings, select "Account and Profile."
  4. Once in Account and Profile, tap to select "Log In."
    1. Now you will be presented with the choice to log in with Bible Gateway or Facebook. Select Log in with Bible Gateway
  5. Now you will be prompted to log in.
    1. Fill in your email address that you signed up with.
    2. Tap the "Forgot Password?" link.


  6. You will receive an email with a link to change your password. Open that link on your device and choose a new password.
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